
Sweater Pants

This past weekend Lola and I went to visit Damaris, as always it was an absolutely fun time and was productive and creative to boot! We made Lola these pants from and old sweater that Damaris had set aside to send to the thrift store. 

I had forgotten my camera, so we were unable to do a step-by-step to show you how to make them, this time. But, as I was telling my friend Erin about them we decided that her little boy Ian, who is due in January must have a pair as well! So, I will document the "how to" then!

 The sweater we chose for Lola's pants was incredibly soft and had an interesting snap detail on the sleeves that we used on the back of the pant legs! They were so easy to make, and I love them so much that Lola may be spending her entire winter in warm fuzzy sweater pants!




Lola is so cuddly in these pants, and they are so comfy for her that she is able to play, stretch, and climb in them with no problem. Truth, I wish I had some sweater pants for myself!

I can't wait to get started on Ian's!!! 
My goal is to have the "how to" posted next week.


  1. i love them, that is a great idea! ...they look suuuper comfy.
