

I believe that it's important to let little ones create and experiment. So, I went
on a search to find some crayons that Lola could use and was shocked that I could
not find anything even close to being age appropriate. The best I could find was a pack
of fat crayons at a toy store, so I started brainstorming. I thought about the size of
her tiny hands, and  how she would best be able to grasp and manipulate the crayons.
So I did some experimenting with different molds, and I'm please to say that
we had success!

In these pictures, Lola is only six months old (they were taken in March) and
with her very first try she was able to pick up the crayons, and push them around the
page "coloring" all by herself.  She was so little at the time, that my mom had to hold
her on her lap so that Lola could color. Now that she is bigger, I set her up on the floor
(taping the paper at the corners) and Lola is able to create her art work.

We do have to monitor her very closely because she does try to put the crayons in
her mouth. But, that is what babies do...and monitoring them, is what moms and dads
do, so it's not a big deal at all! 

Lola's very first masterpiece. 
Crayon on Paper
Age 6 months

I have had quite a bit of interest in these crayons from other moms that have little
ones, so I decided that I'm going to set up an etsy shop. You will be able to find the link
on this post as well as in the boutique section of this blog in a day or two.

1 comment:

  1. i love these crayons! when my son gets a little bigger i will have to get him some!
